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Corrosion Under Insulation

Corrosion Under Insulation

Course Overview

CUI is any type of corrosion that occurs due to a moisture buildup on the external surface of insulated equipment. The buildup can be caused by one of multiple factors that are detailed below. The corrosion itself is most commonly galvanic, chloride, acidic, or alkaline corrosion. If undetected, the results of CUI can lead to the shutdown of a process unit or an entire facility, and in rare cases it may lead to a process safety incident.”

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is a major worldwide problem faced by many industries such as chemical process, food and beverage, oil and gas, refining, petrochemical, power, onshore and offshore industries. A leak can cause safety and environmental concerns. CUI may account for up to 10% of a plant’s maintenance budget. This corrosion course aims to provide the participants with a thorough understanding of the causes of corrosion under insulation and the technical know-how of CUI detection, mitigation and prevention. Upon completion of this short course the participants will be able to identify different forms of corrosion under insulation, analyze the root causes of corrosion failures, apply appropriate methods and strategies for detection, mitigation and prevention of corrosion under insulation.

Course Key Takeaway




Maintenance personnel
